Wonderful Rural Church Blog.

Go check out Pastor Mike W.’s blog The Rural Route Church immediately.  He has a passion for the rural church and great sense of humor.  Make sure to check out both his uplifting post about a volunteer in the local abortion counseling clinic and his desire to form a union for Pastors.

Here’s a little taste of the proposed union for pastors:

U.C.W. Local 777 / United Church Workers

What if preachers formed a Union?  Hmmmm…..

Our Union Demands are as follows:

1.  We demand lightweight pulpit furniture.  Really. . . have you guys tried to move that stuff?

2.  We demand that one pew be filled with men who will “amen” at least 7 times during the course of every sermon.

3.  We demand that our congregants be as excited about worshiping God on Sunday as they are about the ball game on Saturday.

4.  We demand that all criticism be directed to someone besides us.  Anybody will do. . . just pick one.

5.  We demand that only one deacon fall asleep during preaching at a time.

He has 5 more over there, go check them out! (And feel free to add yours to the comments.)

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